Christians Must Be Nuanced in Love and Truth
BP 193 Do you know what nuance is? How would you define it? I don’t think it’s an easy concept to explain to someone who doesn’t know what it is.…
BP 193 Do you know what nuance is? How would you define it? I don’t think it’s an easy concept to explain to someone who doesn’t know what it is.…
BP 192 I knew a woman once who had been abandoned by her father. Sarah was only seven years old when her father left her mother and her three siblings.…
BP 191 Mary Faustina Kowalska wrote, “A soul does not benefit from . . . confession if it is not humble. Pride keeps it in darkness. The soul neither knows…
BP 190 I once journeyed with a man who had grown up with a father who was, at his best, absent, and at his worst, highly critical. Let’s call this…
BP 189 Today, I want to share a word from the Lord with you. I was reading John 11, the account of Jesus traveling to Bethany in response to Martha…
BP 188 “In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And when he came up out of the water, immediately he…
BP 187 There was a girl who grew up in a family that served God. But as is always true, the parents were not perfect--and the girl was very sensitive…
BP 186 When I coached boys and girls soccer and basketball, I would often tell my players, “Sports doesn’t always build character; it reveals character.” I certainly believe the same…
BP 185 We are all, every man and woman, created for Presence—to be seen, known, loved, pursued, yearned for. As we know from Scripture, these actions are exactly God’s movements…
BP 184 Why do humans possess the ability to remember? I’m sure evolutionists would proffer some answer related to the survival of the fittest, namely, how blind, random, mindless mutations…