The Benefits of Eternal Life Here and Now

BP 43 I still remember the day. For some reason, the memory is burned on the frontal lobes of my brain. I was standing in my closet-sized master bath in…

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Love the Land or the Lord of the Land

BP40 Edee (pronounced eedee) insists she doesn’t want to be around people . . . If you’ve read many posts in this blog, you have repeatedly encountered the Designer Therapy…

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Summoned into Dry Dock

BP39 Dry docking is the event that occurs every five years or so in the life of a ship. The vessel is steered into a flooded compartment and then a…

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Mirror, Mirror of the Truth

BP38 Have you ever looked in a mirror? Why do we look in mirrors anyway? Some people might say to see how good they look. Others might say to see…

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The Boy Made of Wood

BP 37 The First Day I’m in the psych ward at the local hospital. Yes, the looney bin. It’s my third time so now I qualify as a frequent flier.…

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Born to be Lonely

BP36 In 1934, Admiral Richard E. Byrd almost died alone—alone being the operative word. The intrepid explorer led an expedition to Antarctica, the coldest continent on the planet, to establish…

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The Power of Personality Disorders

BP35 My name is Leah. I live in a house with a man I don’t love but I can’t divorce because ever since I was a child, I dreamed every…

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You Will Become What You Love

BP 34 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning . . . ~ Matthew…

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