How to Reclaim Your Heart-Land

BP55 The country known today as the Netherlands has always been at war. This war is not against human foes, but against liquid enemies: the salty waters of the stormy…

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Rearrange the Furniture or Tear Down the House

BP54 Do you know the song, What a Wonderful World? Written by Bob Thiele and George David Weiss, it was first and famously recorded by Louis Armstrong. The lyrics refer…

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BP48 Samantha heard it and felt it before she saw it. At first, she thought it was a train. But that could not be possible—there wasn’t a railroad within five…

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Father Land Mine and Faith Deconstruction

BP46 I am coming to realize that hate resides in me. I hate unpredictability. I hate authority. I hate being told what to do. I hate feeling powerless and small…

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