Psychological Pros and Cons of Faith in Jesus

BP 227 Today, we will look briefly at the psychological pros and cons of the Christian faith. Let’s begin with the cons. In way of introduction, I think many of…

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Spiritually and Psychologically Born in Slavery

BP 226 We all know that in this world we will serve somebody or something, right? 2 Peter 2: 19 says, “They [false teachers] promise them freedom, but they themselves…

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When It Hurts Too Much to Let Someone In

BP 224 I recently met a woman named Tori at a Christian ministry retreat in Sweden. She is serving with a parachurch organization in a town outside Stockholm. Due to…

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For the Love of People: The Woman on the Plane

BP 223 Do you remember the account of Jesus sailing across the stormy Sea of Galilee with his disciples toward the territory of the Gadarenes and the encounter with the…

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Is Perfectionism Sin?

BP 221 Does Jesus want you to be perfect? Yes, he commands you to be perfect in Matthew 5:48. Does Jesus want you to be a perfectionist? No (unless you’re…

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BP 220 The night is very dark when the large ship glides soundlessly into the harbor. Now why would someone say the night is very dark? Is not night always…

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