The Voices in Your Head:

Listening to God instead of Unspoken Family Rules BP63  Sarah was fifteen when she killed her father. She should have known better. She did not use a weapon to murder…

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Dark Mineshafts and Lonely Soul Holes

BP62 Have you ever heard of the Kola Superdeep Borehole? I hadn’t until recently. In 1970 (or possibly 1965), Russian scientists on the Kola Peninsula near Murmansk decided to drill…

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The Advantages of Mental Illness

BP61 Then turning to the woman, he [Jesus] said to Simon, ‘Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she…

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Does God Want You to Control Your Sin?

BP60 Have you ever struggled with a habitual sin that you promised God and yourself you would never repeat again but then within hours or days fell back into the…

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In This Universe It Is Either Up or Down

BP59 Did you know you were born on an incline? The moment you enter this world, you will be moving backward if you put no strenuous effort into moving forward.…

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Love Lust Less by Seeking Jesus More

BP58 We are all born with a constellation of biological genetics within us that helps determine our vulnerability to diseases, our physical appearance, and even our temperament. Although humans are…

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The Disordered Desire of Men

BP57 I was attending graduate school out in Los Angeles when I met Sean. I was at the outpatient hospital day program completing a practicum toward my doctorate degree. Sean,…

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How to Reclaim Your Heart-Land

BP55 The country known today as the Netherlands has always been at war. This war is not against human foes, but against liquid enemies: the salty waters of the stormy…

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Rearrange the Furniture or Tear Down the House

BP54 Do you know the song, What a Wonderful World? Written by Bob Thiele and George David Weiss, it was first and famously recorded by Louis Armstrong. The lyrics refer…

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