The Coffin of Silence

BP 239 “Sometimes, the most profound things are expressed in silence” ~ Louise Erdrich “Words can sting like anything, but silence breaks the heart” ~ Phyllis McGinley “Silence and isolation…

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Is A Rose by Another Name Still a Rose?

BP 238 In the play, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare writes the famous and familiar words, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name…

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People of the Lie

BP 237 “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our…

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Nuclear and Psychological Radiation Damage

BP 236 In 1986, a reactor at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine, exploded. Since the reactor had no containment structure—a dome constructed of steel and concrete to prevent…

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Peace is a Person

BP 234 Anxiety, not peace, is normal in this fallen world. Tragically, it is a “new normal” that is far worse than the original normal. Why is anxiety so interwoven…

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The Fingerprints of God

BP233 “We touch things every day: a coffee cup, a car door, a computer keyboard. Each time we do, it is likely that we leave behind our unique signature—in our…

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Can Some Christians Feel Too Guilty?

BP 232 My first thought concerning today’s question is that Christians can never feel too guilty about their wrongdoing because sin is an act of disobedience against the perfectly holy…

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When Parents Unhealthily Merge with God

BP 231 My name is Isabella. I am twenty-five. I am a Christian. And I recently realized that I am very angry with God. Why am I angry with God?…

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